The cars we drive - especially traditional combustion engines – put a massive burden on our environment, through toxic emissions and increased CO2 production.

GFEI is a global partnership of expert groups working together for 15 years, to support the global vehicle fleet transformation we need to address these negative impacts.

GFEI undertakes research, global advocacy, and capacity-building. The initiative has a focus on developed and developing markets. The Initiative works across all energy types, including internal combustion engines, hybrids engines, and electric vehicles.

Around 70 countries have developed fuel economy policies with our support, and partners continue to support electrification policies in many others.

At a global and regional level, GFEI continues to make the case for the transformation of the global fleet using both research and in-country experience. Read more about this work here. 

Efficiency standards for combustion engine vehicles

In this film GFEI partner ICCT‘s Drew Kodjak explains the vital role vehicle efficiency will continue to play in getting us to our Paris targets for CO2, even as we electrify the global fleet.


GFEI‘s partnership includes six of the world’s leading transport and energy organisations which work together to plan and shape the Initiative’s activities. The partners are:

FIA Foundation
ITS UC Davies
“GFEI is about accelerating the rapid transition to the most efficient, zero emission vehicles globally – saving money, energy and tackling climate change."

Sheila Watson, Executive Secretary of GFEI and Deputy Director, FIA Foundation

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