“To meet the Paris Climate Agreement and global air quality targets the transport sector needs to shift to low and no emissions vehicles fleets. The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) is supporting countries around the world to put in place policies to decarbonise their vehicle fleets – through improving vehicle fuel economy and introducing low and no emissions vehicles. As the only global initiative to support this, the GFEI is a crucial programme in meeting our global targets.”
Rob de Jong, Head of Air Quality and Mobility, UN Environment
“The GFEI partnership has played a significant role in keeping fuel economy at the top of transport agendas over the past decade, both for light-duty vehicles, and increasingly trucks. As a founding member of GFEI, the ITF is proud of this achievement. We look forward to continuing to inform governments on vehicle efficiency options over the next decade.”
Young Tae Kim, Secretary General, the International Transport Forum (ITF)
“The rapid increase in electric mobility offers exciting options for improved vehicle efficiency and cutting global CO2 emissions. It is clear that national, regional and sub-national policy all have a key part to play in promoting EVs, along with improving conventional vehicle fuel economy via cost-effective technological improvements.”
Professor Dan Sperling, UC Davis
“It is clear that transport is a massive consumer of energy, and that improving vehicle efficiency is vital is the world is going to have any chance of meeting the Paris Climate targets. Cars and trucks, and increasingly zero emission vehicles are key areas for policy focus in the coming years.”
Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA
“Most of the world’s vehicles passenger cars and commercial trucks are produced sold into a small number of countries. Ensuring that these producers markets have the highest vehicle efficiency standards is vital. GFEI plays a key role in our work with G20 countries and supporting major markets.”
Drew Kojak, Executive Director, ICCT
“We are immensely proud that the FIA Foundation has provided the Secretariat for the Global Fuel Economy Initiative for the past decade, and has consistently invested to allow the partnership to grow to where it is supporting 70 countries to save fuel, resources and CO2. GFEI is unique in its reach, and in the deep long-term collaboration between world-leading experts which lies at its heart. The climate and clean air challenge we face requires renewed policy focus to decarbonise mobility. GFEI is set to provide continued leadership at this vital time.”
Saul Billingsley, Executive Director, FIA Foundation