GFEI launched at Geneva motor show with ‘50by50’ target
2009President Obama’s MEF climate initiative backs GFEI
2009GEF funds GFEI to pilot support in 4 countries
2010European Commission and US EPA support GFEI work
2010GFEI launches first working paper on fuel economy in South East Asia
2010GFEI publishes first international comparison of vehicle fuel economy
2011GFEI contributes to fuel economy policy process in Australia
2011Fifty participants from twenty countries attend ‘GFEI Africa’ launch in Kenya
2012World leading experts ICCT and UC Davis join GFEI
2012GFEI part of sustainable transport commitments at Rio+20
2012Fuel economy label introduced in Chile
2013GFEI report shows how fuel economy savings can help fund transition to plug-in electric vehicles
2013G20 Summit in Brisbane prioritises action on vehicle fuel economy and mentions GFEI
2014GFEI briefs UN Secretary General at Abu Dhabi climate summit
2014GFEI centre stage at UN Climate Summit in New York
2014GFEI launches 100 for 50by50 campaign at SE4ALL Forum
2015UN agrees Sustainable Development Goals including energy efficiency
2015Thailand and Vietnam introduce new fuel economy labels
2015G20 Summit in Turkey confirms GFEI’s role
2015GFEI at Paris Climate Change conference
2015Largest ever global networking event in Paris
2016First estimate of fuel economy potential of HDVs
2016GFEI contributes to SDG7 events ahead of HLPF
2017China publishes updated FE standards with EV mandate
2017GFEI update report for COP23 show fuel economy support reaches around 70 countries
2017Ukraine exempts EVs from VAT after GFEI support
2018Montenegro launches new fuel economy label
2018GFEI included in SDG7 report for UN High Level Political Forum on SDGs
2018GFEI host event with Jamaica at HLPF
2018G20 Transport Task Group discuss HDV fuel economy
2018ASEAN countries adopt fuel economy roadmap
2018EU announces progress on fuel economy standards for 2030
2018GFEI contributes to COP24 climate talks in Poland
2018GFEI launches updated global report tracking fuel economy progress
2019South Africa includes FE standards in Green Transport Strategy
2019GFEI 2.0 launched
2019UNEP report highlights importance of used vehicle flows for fuel economy, emissions, and vehicle safety in developing countries.
2020Launch of the Zero Pathway report
20212-wheeler Fuel Economy in Vietnam
2022Trends in the Global Vehicle Fleet report
2023GFEI 15th Anniversary