GFEI supports G20 Transport Task Group in Japan

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The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) provides support to the G20’s Transport Task Group (TTG), which serves as a voluntary platform for G20 countries to share experience and work together to improve the energy and environmental performance of motor vehicles, especially heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs).

The second in-person TTG meeting was held from 28-31stOctober 2019 in Tokyo, Japan, following the successful meeting in Argentina in 2018. The principal objective of the meeting was to take stock of recent updates in G20 economies and engage participants in a strategic discussion of the group’s activities and vision for 2020. The Outcome Report from the event has now been published, which highlights the range of activities being undertaken across the participating G20 countries, and provides a record of the proceedings.

The meeting was co-organised by the US EPA; DG-CLIMA; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan; IPEEC; ICCT; and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI). The meeting was held at the facilities of the Japan Standards Internationalization Center (JASIC) in Tokyo.

Attendees included representatives from eleven G20 economies (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Union, Germany, India, Japan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United States), five additional countries (Cambodia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Laos, and Singapore), and ten intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations.

The first day of the meeting focused on the progress made in improving the energy efficiency and environmental performance of vehicles in 18 countries. GFEI partner the ICCT provided an update on TTG-related technical activities in India, Argentina, and South Africa, which included a proof-of-concept adaptation of VECTO in India, HDV aerodynamic drag determination tests and on-road fuel consumption measurement in Argentina, and an analysis of policy pathways for cleaner fuels and vehicles in South Africa.

The second and third days explored transportation innovations, clean technologies, health and compliance. The discussions looked at updates to international best practices on mobile source emissions compliance and enforcement, technical and testing methods for in-use compliance, and policy approaches to improve in-use emissions performance. In addition, participants examined regulations, innovative technologies, and the experiences from early adopters to transform their fleet to a more efficient one.

Download the Outcome Report here.

View the G20 TTG website here.