GFEI discusses urban fuel economy at ITF’s COP21 event
On Wednesday 2nd December, GFEI participated in its first event of COP21, a side event in the OECD pavilion in Le Bourget on ‘Mitigating the Climate Impacts of Urban Travel’.
The panel, which was hosted by ITF featured Wei-Shiuen Ng and Philippe Crist of ITF, who shared work on scenario planning in Asian cities and the impact of shared mobility, as well as Michael Replogle, from the New York City Department of Transportation, who highlighted the importance of land use planning. Michael also made the point that by combining policies, such as increased cycling together with fuel economy we can often have greater impact. He pointed to a 60% combined reduction in CO2 this particular combination.
Sheila Watson, Executive Secretary of GFEI, shared GFEI’s perspective on the importance of vehicle fuel economy standards in ‘improving’ and reducing vehicle CO2 emissions, in the context of wider ‘avoid’ and ‘shift’ policies. She also described the messages which GFEI was bringing to the COP as part of the ‘100for50by50’ campaign. The discussion included Jose Viegas, Chief Executive of ITF, who described how OECD countries are engaging with these issues.