PCFV supporting cleaner fuels in Panama

In April the National Assembly of the Republic of Panama approved Draft Law Nº153 to regulate the sulphur content of fuel. Panama is a fuel importing country and the decision was taken in order to minimise the environmental impact of emissions.
The new policy mandates that maximum allowable sulphur content in diesel and gasoline fuel for motor vehicles in Panama is 15 ppm (parts per million). Fuel importers must make all technical and economic adjustments needed to meet this standard, and have been given 12 months to achieve this at the pump.
The FIA Foundation has supported the Partnership for Clean Vehicles and Fuels (PCFV) in its work promoting cleaner fuels and vehicles in developing and transition countries, for several years. PCFV brings together 72 organizations representing developed and developing countries, the fuel and vehicle industries, civil society, and leading world experts on cleaner fuels and vehicles. The PCFV, through UNEP, have provided the Panamanian authorities with technical advice and attended a workshop of the national working group in September 2014. Two representatives from the Panama government also participated the Central America sub-regional ‘Cleaner and More Efficient Fuels and Vehicles’ event in November 2014, organised by UNEP and supported by the FIA Foundation.
More information is available here (in Spanish)