Regional workshop for Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia
A sub-regional workshop for Mozambique and the neighbouring countries of Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia was held on 7-8 November in Maputo, Mozambique. The workshop, was organized by the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, through its National Directorate of Hydrocarbons and Fuels.
The workshop was opened by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mr. Alfredo Vasco Nogueira Nampete, on behalf of the Minister. During his opening remarks, he informed participants of Mozambique’s commitment to cleaner fuels and the country’s commitment to coordinate the sub-regional fuel quality harmonization process to low-sulphur fuels. The workshop was informed of higher taxation on vehicle imports older than 10 years in Zambia and Malawi. Mozambique currently has a vehicle population of 700 million cars, and a growth rate of about 10%. Alongside presentations on a road map to low sulphur diesel, UNEP’s Jane Akumu shared with participants an update on the Global Fuel Economy Initiative and the benefits of transitioning to more fuel efficient vehicles.
To read the presentation from the event click here.
To read a report of the Mozambique workshop click here.