GFEI launches new COP22 progress update at official transport ambition side event

On Friday 11th November, the Global Fuel Economy Initiative participated in an official COP22 side event, “Transforming Ambition into Local Action: NDC Implementation towards sustainable, low carbon mobility” in Marrakesh. The COP22 talks follow the successful negotiation and ratification of the Paris Agreement, which was agreed in December 2015 at COP21. GFEI’s new report charts fuel economy progress globally, and provides a detailed update on the activities that the partnership has been engaged in during the past year.
At COP21, GFEI set an ambitious goal of extending our partnership to include 100 countries committing to contributing to doubling average fuel economy globally by 2050 – what we call ‘100 for 50by50’. The new report sets out how GFEI has expanded our country engagement from 26 countries to over 65. Launching the report, Sheila Watson (GFEI’s Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Director of the FIA Foundation - pictured above) said “This report sets out the important progress GFEI is making in reducing emissions from vehicles. We are expanding our work in every region, and galvanising action.”
Sheila Watson’s presentation introduced the important co-benefits of improved fuel economy, including air quality, financial savings and improved energy security. She also explained how GFEI is now extending its reach to include a focus on electric and heavy duty vehicles – with important new research published in the past year.
Other presentations were given by the Institute for Transport and Development Policy (ITDP) and COTADU which highlighted many of the cities that they are supporting a transition to low carbon transport, and CODATU which shared details of their ‘Mobilise your city initiative’ which supports measures to make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
The presentations were followed by a time of questions and discussion about how to take forward low carbon mobility. After the event, the FIA Foundation sponsored a refreshments and which enabled further networking between delegates and the organisations involved.
To see the presentation from the launch please click here.
To read the publication please click here.