Panama launches Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) Project
On the 17th-18th of November 2016, the Global Fuel Economy Initiative held a launch workshop in Panama, with the aim to help create an enabling environment that will lead to development and implementation of a national fuel economy policy in Panama. This project will support Panama’s National Energy Plan and INDC contributions related to transport.
The first phase of this project includes the formation of a national working group to support the development of policies to promote auto fuel economy; and securing auto registration data for the calculation of a national auto fuel economy baseline. GFEI baselines are usually calculated from 2005 and trends for subsequent years where data is available.
The National Secretariat of Energy of Panama is leading this project with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and GFEI regional technical partners, CEGESTI and Centro Mario Molina Chile (CMMCh).