Colombia workshop launches GFEI project

The Global Fuel Economy Initiative was launched in Colombia on January 25th and 26th 2017. The Cleaner and More Efficient Fuels and Vehicles project, led by UN Environment, CEGESTI, and the Centro Mario Molina Chile, supports the work that Colombia has been carrying out in the transportation sector, and will produce a fuel economy baseline study for their light duty vehicle fleet.
The launch event was a workshop held at the Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia’s (ANDI) facilities in Bogotá. Participants included representatives from the Ministries of Environment, Transport, Mines and Energy, automobile dealers and manufacturers, and the Technological University of Pereira. Among the international technical experts were Arturo Steinvorth, from CEGESTI and Marcela Castillo and Marcelo Fernández from the Centro Mario Molina Chile. Together they presented the work the Global Fuel Economy Initiative implements worldwide and also the work that has been done in the region.
Giovanni Pabón, coordinator for climate change and mitigation of the Ministry of Environment, and Gustavo Máñez, from UN Environment’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, welcomed the participants and thanked everyone for their interest and cooperation in improving fuel economy in Colombia. Officers from the Colombian Ministry of Environment, Mines and Energy, and the Mining and Energy Planning Unit gave presentations. The private sector, represented by ANDI, FENALCO and ANDEMOS – business chambers that include vehicle dealerships, importers and manufacturers highlighted the current situation of vehicle sales and some opportunities that can be taken to improve fuel economy in Colombia.
The baseline study will be undertaken by the Technological University of Pereira with support from several stakeholders including the Ministries, the business chambers and other relevant stakeholders such as the National Environmental License Authority and the National Vehicular Registry. The results of this study are expected to help the country to define and implement policies that promote fuel economy and a cleaner fleet in Colombia.
Presentations (in Spanish)
Ministry of Mines and Energy
Technological University of Pereira
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
FENALCO presentation on vehicle sales
Regional and national work in Latin America and the Caribbean
Cleaner and more efficient fuels and vehicles
Global Fuel Economy Initiative