GFEI at TRB 2017

At TRB 2017, GFEI will be sharing updates on progress and also some new analysis on HDVs and fuel economy. We invite you to join us for the side event which will take place on Tuesday 10 January at 7am (breakfast will be served) at the Walter E Convention Centre, room East Overlook.
During 2016 GFEI continued to put fuel economy on the global agenda by engaging in key international policy processes to drive action. GFEI has also provided support to countries looking to introduce fuel economy policies through national, regional and global events.
The year ended on a high note as GFEI was recognised in the COP22 roundup on transport for its incredible progress, including 40 new countries that have committed to new action.
Those wishing to attend any TRB events will need to register for the TRB annual meeting here.
TRB registration will not be necessary if attending only the side event and no TRB events.