GFEI launches fuel economy policy report in Egypt

On Wednesday 14th December 2016, GFEI’s implementing partner, the Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) presented the findings of its new study on fuel economy for light duty vehicles for Egypt. The event, held at the Marriott hotel in Cairo included interactive discussion with a diverse range stakeholders in the fields of transportation, urban planning, environment, and intelligent transportation systems.
The day was introduced by Dr. Hossam Allam, Regional Programme Manager of CEDARE, Dr. Mona Kamal, Director of the Environmental Quality Sector (EQS) of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, and Ms. Zeinab El-Sadr, Manager of the Research, Development and Innovation programme of the Ministry of Scientific Research of Egypt. Topics covered included fuel economy of vehicles in Egypt and globally and the diverse activities of CEDARE within the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework of sustainable mobility.
The state of discussion of e-mobility for Egypt was presented by transport planning expert Prof. Ahmed Mosa, former Minister Advisor for Transport Planning and co-founder of the Egyptian MASARAT consultancy firm, and the vision for the futuristic concepts in transport, including autonomous vehicles, data driven innovations, and big data was presented by Dr. Hossam Abdelgawad, of Cairo University, and Director of the consultancy firm, SETS North Africa. The diversity of the projects discussed highlighted the importance of a systems approach to sustainable transport and how GFEI's activities falls within a larger framework of activities to be more effective.
Valuable insights from the audience were discussed, including interventions from Prof. Khaled El-Adly, former governor of Giza governorate and current vice president of the International Society of City & Regional Planners (ISOCARP), as well as Prof. Hafez Salmawy, former Managing Director of the Egyptian Electric Utility and Customer Protection Regulatory Agency of Egypt, as well as Dr. Ibrahim Yassin, manager of the Energy Efficiency Improvement and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (EEIGGR) Project of Egypt which introduced and operates the Energy Efficiency labelling scheme for residential appliances in Egypt. CEDARE acts as a platform for networking between stakeholders and awareness raising to promote the necessary paradigm shift needed in addressing sustainable mobility and to facilitate implementation of fuel economy policies among the larger policy mix needed for emission reduction and fuel savings.
Read a report of the event here.
Read the Policy Brief here.
A video of the event can be seen here.