GFEI supports Nepal’s Sustainable Mobility Forum
The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) helped support a key event in Nepal focusing on sustainable urban mobility and better air quality. The Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Mobility Forum (KSUMF) is an annual flagship event which brings together transport stakeholders to initiate policy dialogue, organised by Clean Energy Nepal (CEN). The 6th annual event was held on 15th August 2017 at Trade Tower, Kathmandu, with a focus on the “Need for Vehicle Fuel Policies in Nepal”.
Over 60 participants from international, national and local governmental agencies, nongovernmental agencies, development agencies, transport experts, urban planners, academia, private sectors and media personnel participated in the forum.
Speakers included the Chair of the Environment Protection Committee, the Joint Secretary of Ministry of Population and Environment, and the Director of Transport Management. Clean Energy Nepal provided overview of Sustainable Transport policies, while the Green Growth Initiative (GGI) set out analysis highlighting the potential for electric vehicles in Nepal.
Bert Fabian of UN Environment shared an online presentation focusing on the importance of clean fuel, strategies and provided an overview of initiatives adopted by various nations around the globe. In his concluding remarks he stated that there is a need of CO2 abatement polices in Nepal, which can influence the new vehicles manufacture and import to reduce air pollution and GHG emission.