GFEI enables new fuel economy label for Montenegro

Thanks to support from the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI), Montenegro has recently introduced a mandatory fuel economy labelling scheme for all new vehicles.
Since 2011 GFEI has provided capacity building support to Montenegro to help develop a fuel economy baseline, as well as a comprehensive national policy that includes tax incentives for more fuel-efficient cars and fuel economy labelling. The GFEI project concluded with a conference in October 2017.
The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, with support from the Regional Environmental Center (REC) Country Office Montenegro, issued labelling Rulebook no. 40/17 (in accordance with EU Directive 1999/94/EC) in July 2017 on the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions, published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro. This rule, which is now in force, makes the fuel economy label mandatory by law for all vehicle importers bring in new cars. Auto importers can use the proposed label design, or develop their own label in accordance with the Rulebook and EU Directive.
The Rulebook also stipulates the yearly publication of an official Guide on Fuel Economy and Carbon Dioxide Emissions for consumers. This Guide for new passenger vehicles available on the Montenegrin market contains the annual list of models of new passenger vehicles available, fuel type and official data on fuel economy and CO2 emissions for each given model and a list of ten models of new passenger cars with the most economical fuel consumption, ranked according to rising CO2 emissions by fuel type. The Guide is available for download here.
The REC Montenegro office will continue to support the revision of the vehicle registration tax according CO2 criteria, as recommended by the draft national auto fuel economy policy. GFEI’s Montenegro vehicle fuel economy programme is support by the government of Montenegro, UN Environment, and the Global Environment Facility.