G20: Transport Task Group dives deeper for HDV fuel economy policy

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What is the Transport Task Group (TTG)?
What is the Transport Task Group (TTG)?

The Global Fuel Economy Initiative continues to support G20 countries to advance fuel economy policy, through its support of the G20 Transport Task Group (TTG).

The group held its first in-person meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 24-25 September 2018. GFEI was represented by the International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT), which has been leading the group’s ‘deep dive’ support for countries looking to develop Heavy Duty Vehicle (HDV) fuel economy policies. The event was co-hosted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ICCT, and IPEEC - in partnership with the Argentinian Secretary of Energy and Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development.

The two-day TTG workshop provided an opportunity to review progress and engage in strategic discussions on activities and vision for the coming years. As an active and effective group, this first in-person meeting of the TTG was intended to help accelerate the impact of its work, and enhance further its overall positive contribution to international efforts to limit heavy-duty vehicle energy consumption and emissions. It was also an opportunity to take stock of the important progress made in improving the energy efficiency and environmental performance of heavy-duty vehicles in G20 economies. This included presentations on progress in enhancing vehicle efficiency from representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Japan and Saudi Arabia.

The Transport Task Group was founded under the Australian G20 Presidency in November 2014, which prioritised action on vehicle fuel efficiency in its main Communiqué, and encouraged countries to work with the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI). This has continued under the Turkish Presidency in 2015 where energy ministers agreed to further support the TTG’s work, while the Chinese Presidency in 2016, the Energy Efficiency Leading Programme further encouraged G20 members to work towards world class clean fuel and vehicle standards, a commitment that was reinforced by the Hamburg Climate and Energy Action Plan for Growth in 2018. During this time, GFEI has supported the research agenda with reports from ICCT examining the status and potential of emissions standards in G20 countries, as well as tracking progress. In 2018, the TTG has led a ‘deep dive’ looking at the potential of Heavy Duty Vehicle (HDV) standards), including how to adapt established modelling and simulation techniques for policy development in different regions.

The findings of the workshop were written up in a report, which summarises fuel economy policies in each country and which developed recommendations for further research and information exchange for 2019-20.

Presentations from event


Transport Task Group Activities in 2017 and 2018

Transport Energy Efficiency Coordination Programs in Argentina

Transportation Policies in Brazil

Recent Progress of Energy Efficiency in the Transportation Sector of Japan

Enhancing Vehicles Energy Efficiency in Saudi Arabia

Overview of IEA Technology Collaboration Platforms