December 16, 2022
Global Fuel Economy Initiative
Categories: Air Quality, Asia
Analysis, Australia, Electric Vehicles, ICCT, Net Zero, Standards
Australia is one of the few major markets, alongside Russia, that currently lack fuel economy standards. Transport is the third largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the country and improving vehicle efficiency is vital if Australia is to meet its target of achieving net zero by 2050.
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December 12, 2022
Global Fuel Economy Initiative
Categories: Air Quality, In-country, Africa
Electric Vehicles, Energy Efficiency, IEA, Labelling, Net Zero, Policy packages
Combining policy measures is key to taking forward transport efficiency. The shift to more fuel efficient and zero emission vehicles is most effective when underpinned by a combination of policy measures. A recent training day organised by GFEI partner the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) helped take forward knowledge sharing around improving vehicle efficiency in sub-Saharan Africa.
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