Potential for fuel-efficient and electric vehicle policies in Togo
A national stakeholder workshop was held in Lomé, Togo on 4th-5th July 2019 to discuss the fuel economy of vehicles imported into Togo. Togo is one of 70 countries being supported under the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) to analyze the fuel economy of its vehicle fleet and develop options to reduce carbon emissions.
GFEI is supporting Togo to develop policy proposals that promote the import of cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles. The outcomes of the workshop included ambitious yet feasible proposals for improving vehicle fuel efficiency in the country. One major recommendation was a ban on conventional two and three (2 & 3) wheelers in favour of electric motorcycles. In addition to this, the stakeholders proposed the introduction of a CO2 based vehicle tax system that incentivizes fuel efficient vehicles which progresses with vehicle age. The need to train mechanics to be able to service these new technology vehicles was highlighted as a major red flag that needed further support.
Vehicle labelling was at the centre of the discussions with stakeholders being presented with various options for validation. Two label options were highlighted for further consideration. It was proposed that labelling for motorcycles would be a step in the right direction in the near future. Eco-driving was also proposed as a fuel economy measure for the existing fleet, backed with education and public sensitization. Other near-term measures that were identified to promote cleaner, more sustainable transport in Togo were the need for investment in efficient public transport, promotion of non-motorised transport infrastructure, use of technological intelligence in transport management as well as consumer awareness.
Moving forward, these policy proposals will be revised taking into account the feedback from the stakeholders and presented to government for consideration. It was noted that additional support may be required to sensitize decision makers and the national assembly on the importance and impacts of implementing these policies. Participants also pointed out the complementarity of the GFEI activities already carried out in Togo and the GEF VII electric mobility programme in the country, which builds on and extends the work undertaken by GFEI so far.