The Global Fuel Economy Initiative and 50by50

Top Reasons for Cleaner, More Efficient Vehicles,[Eng],[Sp],[French].

The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) exists to promote improvements in global average automotive fuel economy, as per IPCC and G8 recommendations. More efficient cars will support national and global climate change mitigation efforts if the global light duty vehicle fleet average moves from 8 L/100 km today to 4 L/100 km within the next 4 decades. Emerging and developing economies have a large role to play in this shift as they rapidly motorize. To this end, we continue to raise awareness, present evidence, and offer support, in a way which enables more and more countries to adopt effective fuel economy standards and policies which work in their circumstances and with their fleet.

On the basis of current evidence on existing technologies, GFEI partner organizations the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Energy Agency (IEA), the FIA Foundation, the International Transport Forum (ITF), the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies, and the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) believe that huge gains could be made in the fuel economy of the world’s light duty vehicle fleet, gains which could help every country, but particularly developing countries, to address the pressing issues of climate change, energy security and sustainable mobility.

The 3 core activities of the GFEI are:

  1. data development and analysis of fuel economy potentials by country and region;
  2. support for national and regional policy-making efforts;
  3. outreach and awareness raising to stakeholders (e.g. vehicle manufacturers).
The information contained on this website is intended as practical guidance coupled with examples of auto fuel economy policies and approaches in use around the world. It is not a complete collection of all national examples, nor does it track national and global progress on improving auto fuel economy. It is a work in progress and is updated regularly.This website does not support IE 5 and below.


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